About 51% Of Internet Users are Not Human ! Yes, You read it right about 51% of Internet Users are not humans they are actually bots. Many Websites uses ” I’m not a bot” Checkboxes and these 51% Bots are it’s Reason.

Robots Can also get Citizenship of a Country. Sophia a social humanoid robot developed by the Hong Kong-based company Hanson robotics. On October 25th 2017, She got the Citizenship of Saudi Arabia. So We can say that Robots Can also get Citizenship of a Country.

Apollo 11 which was launched by NASA on 16 July 1969, the computers which were used for the connection or guide the astronauts from earth to moon (The Distance of 3,84,000 Km) were million times less powerful than our smartphone which is in our hand.

Google which was Founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Now The Cheif Executive Officer of Google is Mr. Sundar Pichai. Larry Page and Sergey Brin starts its service in a garage and Today Google has more than 8 Billion Searches per Day, 60 Billion Searches per Week and 250 Billion Searches per Month. Google almost Acquires 95% of Search Engines with more than 3000 Billion searches per year world Wide.

Microsoft had several different logos over the years, each just as recognizable as the next. Co-founders Bill Gates and Paul Allen took less than a day to design Microsoft’s first and original logo.