EWS reservation is a system of affirmative action in India that provides reserved quotas in educational institutions and government jobs for people who belong to the economically weaker sections of society. The quotas are reserved for people who come from low income families and do not have the financial means to compete with other candidates on an equal footing. The idea behind EWS reservation is to give people from disadvantaged backgrounds an equal opportunity to access education and employment, and to help reduce social and economic inequalities in the country.
EWS reservation refers to a type of affirmative action in India that sets aside a certain percentage of seats in educational institutions and government jobs for candidates from economically weaker sections of society. The EWS category was introduced in 2019 as part of the amendment to the Constitution of India, and it provides reservation benefits to those who do not belong to any of the existing reserved categories (such as Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and Other Backward Classes) but whose family’s annual income is below a certain threshold. The goal of EWS reservation is to provide greater access to education and employment opportunities for disadvantaged groups and to help bring about social and economic equality.
- The EWS reservation applies to both Central government jobs and admissions to educational institutions funded or aided by the government. Private institutions are not required to reserve seats for EWS candidates, but they may choose to do so on a voluntary basis.
- The percentage of seats reserved for EWS candidates varies depending on the institution or organization. For example, the government has announced that 10% of seats in central educational institutions (such as universities and colleges) will be reserved for EWS candidates. Similarly, 10% of vacancies in Central government jobs will be reserved for EWS candidates. State governments may have their own policies on EWS reservation for state-level institutions and jobs.
- To be eligible for EWS reservation, a candidate’s family’s annual income must be below a certain threshold. This threshold is set by the government and is subject to change. As of 2021, the income limit for EWS eligibility is 8 lakh rupees per year (about $10,800).
- To apply for EWS reservation, candidates must obtain a certificate from a competent authority (such as a tehsildar or a revenue officer) to verify their family’s income and social status. This certificate must be presented at the time of admission or when applying for a government job.
ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: Please check below point.
- The candidate’s family’s annual income must be below the threshold set by the government. As of 2021, the income limit for EWS eligibility is 8 lakh rupees per year.
- The candidate must not belong to any of the existing reserved categories (such as Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and Other Backward Classes).
- The candidate must obtain a certificate from a competent authority (such as a tehsildar or a revenue officer) to verify their family’s income and social status. This certificate must be presented at the time of admission or when applying for a government job.
- The candidate must meet any other eligibility criteria set by the institution or organization offering the EWS reservation. For example, an educational institution may have specific requirements for admission (such as a minimum score on an entrance exam).
- To obtain an EWS certificate, a candidate’s family must submit proof of their annual income, as well as other documents such as proof of residence and identification. The specific documents required may vary depending on the issuing authority.
- The EWS reservation is applicable only to certain types of institutions and jobs. It applies to Central government jobs and admissions to educational institutions funded or aided by the government. Private institutions are not required to reserve seats for EWS candidates, but they may choose to do so on a voluntary basis.
- The percentage of seats reserved for EWS candidates varies depending on the institution or organization. For example, the government has announced that 10% of seats in central educational institutions (such as universities and colleges) will be reserved for EWS candidates. Similarly, 10% of vacancies in Central government jobs will be reserved for EWS candidates. State governments may have their own policies on EWS reservation for state-level institutions and jobs.
- The EWS reservation is intended to benefit economically disadvantaged groups who do not belong to any of the existing reserved categories. It is not intended to benefit those who are already well-off or who belong to the general category.